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Chapter excerpted from “The Pot Book”

A Complete Guide to Cannabis.

Edited by Dr. Julie Holland--Amazon | Barnes & Noble

“Gardening is civil and social, but it wants the vigor and freedom of the forest and the outlaw.” - Henry David Thoreau.



A keen historian, Nol has now written a book called "The Dutch Experience - The inside story: 30 years of hash and grass coffeeshops."Below are some pictures taken from Nol's Growrooms section on his site HempCity. 

Basics to Cannabis Planting


Cannabis alone for its medicinal value's is outstanding & the purpose of our group is to ensure a fair approach to the reform of silly laws made by people who actually have no clue about Cannabis & seem to miss the big picture. Medical Cannabis seeds, are some of the finest souvenirs to be in the possession of, the packaging alone has a number of helpful hints on the back!















Due to some law made up by some racist, fear-mongering guy's in the past & " Still enforced around the World to this day ", it is illegal to cultivate the seeds bought from our site.

We source related cannabis cultivation tips from all around the Planet.

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